throughout its history cars have continued to evolve in response to the growing awareness for safety, comfort, and the environment - in step towards continued electronification.
in response to this evolving trend, rohm offers a broad portfolio of products and solutions for automotive systems, from the infotainment center and instrument cluster to powertrain and body ecus.
in addition, as the demand for next-generation vehicles that embody these principles increases and automatic driving and smart cities will soon be realized, high performance ics and high power devices are becoming indispensable.
rohm contributes to the evolution and advancement of the automotive sector and next-generation cars by taking a quality-first approach to product manufacturing while ensuring long-term, stable supply.
近近年来,随着技术的不断创新,在以自动驾驶和adas为首的汽车领域以及工业设备领域,为了建立更加安全的系统,越来越需要有助于在紧急情况下防患于未然的功能(功能安全)以及使功能安全标准化的“iso 26262”和“iec 61508”等标准。例如在汽车领域,不仅限于汽车制造商(oem),越来越多的汽车电子产品制造商(tier1)也纷纷加速了对功能安全方面的支持,从全球范围来看,实现自动驾驶功能安全已是大势所趋。此外,在2018年12月汽车领域功能安全标准“iso 26262”修订的第二版中,新增加了半导体部分,因此对半导体功能安全的要求正在不断提高。
rohm solution simulator
“rohm solution simulator”是在rohmk8凯发天生赢家官网上运行的电子电路仿真工具。从部件选型和元器件单体验证等开发初期阶段到系统级的验证阶段,各种仿真工作都可以在web上执行。rohm提供的sic元器件等功率元器件产品、驱动ic和电源ic等ic产品,都可以在接近实际环境的电路k8凯发天生赢家的解决方案中快速简单的一并进行验证,从而可显著缩短应用产品的开发周期。
- 面向电动汽车的罗姆元器件小册子 (devices for xev)
- 功率元器件产品目录
- 车载用半导体开关 ipd
- comfysil™小册子 (功能安全)
- 车载用稳压器 选型指南
- 车载灯用led驱动器 选型指南
- 运算放大器小册子